The Best Google Business Profile Cover Photo Size And Examples (2023 Guide)

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Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business) remains a powerful tool for businesses looking to increase their online visibility. Among the all of the features it offers, one often overlooked but crucial detail is your Google Business Profile cover photo size. It’s your business’s digital storefront, offering the first impression to potential customers. Making sure this photo is the best size and quality can make a big difference in attracting and retaining potential customers. When you create your Google listing, this should be one of the first things you do. In this guide, we will outline everything you need to know about Google Business Profile cover photo sizes.

The Ideal Google Business Profile Cover Photo Size

When choosing or designing a cover photo for your Google Business Profile, the recommended resolution is 1024 pixels in width by 576 pixels in height. This dimension allows the photo to display correctly across various devices. However, the minimum size allowed is 250 x 250 pixels.

Here are a few other Google Business Profile Cover Photo Size requirements:

  • Use a file type like: PNG or JPG
  • Suggested post image size: 720 x 720 (we use this often and it works well)
  • File Size: Keep your file size between 10KB to 5MB
  • Cover photo standards: Make sure to add within the image, proper lighting, and don’t include crazy filters or edits.

Why Size Matters

Selecting the correct google business profile cover photo size is not just about meeting Google’s requirements. It’s about:

  • Optimal Display: Making sure the image isn’t stretched or pixelated, which could make your business look unprofessional to anyone who comes to view your page.
  • Quick Loading Times: Large images can slow down your profile’s loading time, turning away impatient visitors.
  • Making Sure Key Information Isn’t Cropped: Especially if your cover photo includes text or logos, you’ll want to make sure no essential details are lost on different devices. Remember mobile is smaller, and most searches nowadays are being conducted on mobile phones.

Selecting the appropriate size for your cover photo allows it to appear crisp, clear, and professional. An incorrectly sized photo can be pixelated, distorted, or cropped in an undesirable way. This will lead to a poor first impression.

Moreover, considering that Google Business Profile is often the first point of contact between a business and potential clients, presenting an attractive and professional image becomes paramount.

Tips for Choosing the Perfect Cover Photo

Use High-Quality Images

To reflect your business’s quality and professionalism, it’s vital to use clear, high-resolution photos. Blurry or pixelated images can deter potential clients or customers. Your image will likely be the first thing searchers see when they visit your business profile. Make sure to present a clear, clean visual to best catch the viewers eyes.

Ensure Brand Consistency

Your cover photo should be consistent with the rest of your branding. This helps in reinforcing brand recognition and trust. The photo will act like a visual cue, and strengthen your brand’s identity every time it’s viewed.

Showcase Your Business’s Best

Whether it’s a popular product, a team shot, or a behind-the-scenes glimpse, your cover photo should depict what’s unique and exceptional about your business. It’s important that this image, especially in your Google Business Profile cover photo, reflects the distinctiveness and qualities of your brand. This visual representation plays a big role in setting you apart from competitors.

Changing and Optimizing Your Cover Photo

If you’ve set up a Google Business Profile but haven’t paid much attention to your cover photo, now’s the time to optimize. Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your google listing at Google Business Profile.
  2. Navigate to the ‘Photos’ tab.
  3. Click on the ‘Cover’ option.
  4. Here you can upload or change your current cover photo.
  5. Make sure to review how it looks on different devices.

Best Practices for Google Business Profile Cover Photos

Google Business Profile cover photo size

Prioritize Clarity in Your Google Business Profile Cover Photo

Select an image that has the most sharpness and clarity. Avoid blurred or pixelated images as they can undermine the professional perception you are trying to create with your Google Business Profile cover photo size. Make sure your chosen photo follows the recommended dimensions for optimal display.

Maintaining Relevance

Your cover photo should represent your business’s essence. It could be an image of your flagship product, your team, or a well-known service you provide. It’s essential to choose imagery that aligns with what your brand stands for; within the context of your Google Business Profile cover photo size. Aim to make it resonate with your target audience for best results.

Avoid Overloading with Text

While it might be tempting to use the cover photo to share offers or key information, it’s best to keep it simple. Let the image speak for itself, and use the description and post sections to share textual information.

Regularly Update

While it’s essential to have a relevant cover photo, it’s equally crucial to update it regularly. It keeps your profile fresh and can reflect seasonal changes, new products, or any other significant shifts in your business.

Follow Google’s Content Guidelines

With any information on your profile, it is best to keep it regularly updated. Make sure that your cover photo follows Google’s content guidelines. Avoid using images that can be considered misleading, inappropriate, or irrelevant. Google is constantly updating the way things work on it’s platform, be sure to stay up to date on any changes to the Google Business Profile cover photo size if they do occur. Simple rule, update whennever any changes to your business occur, or about every quarter.

Cover Photo Examples:

As we can see here, we see that this may not be the best example showcasing a cover photo on your Google Business Profile.

What they got right:

  • Unfortunately, they didn’t get much right here. In fact, this is a great example of what not to do when adding a cover photo to your Google Business Profile, let alone optimizing the size of it.

What could be better:

  • The image does not showcase a brick and mortar storefront. If this was a service based business it should have branding or imagery that pertains to it.
  • The photo size is not optimized correctly. We see here that the photo is taken at an angle, but also doesn’t capture the full target of what the picture was supposed to be.
  • Low image quality.
  • It does not portray any level of trust.

Here we have a better example:

What they got right:

  • This restaurant shows the interior of the dining area, which shows their upper end dining environment.
  • The photo is clear and does not seem to be low quality.

What they should also do:

  • This restaurant is a local staple, everyone in town likely has their own favorite menu item. They should include the ambiance, but also showcase high quality surf and turf which they deliver very well.
  • They are also known for having an engaging and friendly staff, showcasing this would also be a great opportunity.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Choosing Generic Photos: Your cover photo should tell your brand’s story, not just be a random stock image.
  • Overloading with Text: While some text might be helpful, too much can overwhelm and confuse visitors. It’s best to leave it out
  • Infrequent Updates: If your business evolves or rebrands, make sure your cover photo reflects this change.


While seemingly a small detail in the larger basket that is Google, your Google Business Profile cover photo holds a lot of potential in representing your brand online. By sticking to the recommended size and optimizing the image, you’ll drive home a strong first impression. Keep it relevant, high-quality, and consistent with your brand, and it will undoubtedly contribute to your digital success. At Tactic Multimedia, we are always here to help. Managing your Google Business Profile and local SEO giving you a headache? Sign up for a free audit and we can help you get the needle moving.

What is the size of the Google Business Profile header?

We recommended making Google Business Profile cover photo size is 1024 x 576 pixels.

Why can’t I add a cover photo to my Google business page?

Google Business may not upload your cover photo for a couple of reasons. It could be because Google hasn’t selected it yet, or it may not meet Google’s guidelines. In some cases, even after you’ve set a particular cover photo, Google might replace it with a more recent image.

What is the difference between Google Business cover photo and logo?

Your logo helps customers recognize your business on Google, especially when you have essential information like a phone number or hours of operation on your Business Profile. Your logo should be located below the cover photo, towards the left.

Set a cover photo that best represents your business at the top of your profile.